Dreams and craving in crack/cocaine addicted patients in the detoxication stage

Natália Vidal Scarparo Sório, Carolina Silva Schiefelbein, Alexandre Dido Balbinot, Paola Lucena dos Santos, Renata Brasil Araujo


Background: There are some studies about of dreams suggesting an indicative of craving from dreams and demonstrating as a tool for evaluating risk situations for relapses. Objective: To verify, in patients addicted to crack/cocaine, the association between the presence of the crack content in dreams and craving increase. Methods: It is a clinical study, analytical, transversal type. We evaluated 51 patients who were admitted to Unit Detoxification. Results: We verified that 21 patients reported dreams with the crack, when 19.6% reported not awakening the craving after dreaming about crack, against 21.4% who woke up with this urge. Regarding the perception on the night before the dream of the crack, 17.5% thought they had presented craving for crack. No association was found between dream the crack and the craving (p=0.34). Discussion/Conclusion: Dreaming of the crack is not associated with an increase in craving in patients admitted for detoxification.

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ISSN: 1981-1330