Masking ability of different ceramic systems over a darkened substrate: case report

Manuel Tomás B. Radaelli, Leonardo Federizzi, Fabíola J. Barbon, Aloísio O. Spazzin, Noeli Boscato


This clinical report describes the masking ability of IPS e.max ceramic (lithium disilicate glass-ceramic and polycrystalline zirconia) used over darkened (metallic post) and natural-colored backgrounds. Initially, medium-opacity lithium disilicate glass-ceramic framework (IPS e.max Press MO) was used over both backgrounds. It was observed that at the minimum thickness recommended by the manufacturer, the medium-opacity lithium disilicate glass-ceramic framework did not provide sufficient masking ability over the darkened background (metallic post). Then, because of its inadequate masking ability, the lithium disilicate glass-ceramic framework over the metallic post was replaced with polycrystalline zirconia (IPS e.max ZirCAD). It was concluded that using polycrystalline zirconia resulted in better masking ability and superior final aesthetic appearance over a darkened background.

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