Influência do tabagismo em doenças peri-implantares

Julia Pereira de Carvalho, Vanessa Rossi


Peri-implantite is an infectious bacterial disease that affects soft and hard tissues around the implant, promoting the loss of osseointegration. Among the risk factors, we can consider tobacco and periodontal disease important factors that can exacerbate loss of bone height, worse healing after mucogingival surgery and implant failure. The aim of this study was to review the literature about the relation between smoking and peri-implant diseases. The search was performed in the pubmed database. The main finding was that smoking is considered a risk factor for failure of dental implants and for the development of peri-implantitis. In the comparison of smokers with nonsmokers, the authors considered that the failure of implant treatment is greater in smokers, as well as the presence of peri-implant diseases. The failure rates of implants placed in maxillary sinuses grafted in smokers are more than two-fold observed than in nonsmokers and smokers show increased marginal bone loss.


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