Chemical-mechanical removal of decayed tissue: Biological basis and materials used

Ana Flávia Granville-Garcia, Valdenice Aparecida de Menezes, Mayra Raphaela da Silva Rocha, Alessandro Leite Cavalcanti


The objective of this study was to realize a literature review about the chemical-mechanical removal method, its biological basis and respective materials. A bibliographical research was done, in indexed papers from the Bireme and Pubmed bases using the following keywords: dental caries, carisolv and papain. Books and thesis were also consulted. The literature review comprehended the period from 1976 to 2007. Carisolv and the papain gel are chemical agents that ease the chemical removal of the decayed tissue. They are also biocompatible and antimicrobial, and can be an alternative to the traditional treatment, especially in cases of patients with phobia to the dentistry treatment. The results revealed that this method is conservative, it reduces the need for anesthesia, being an alternative for patients with fear and anxiety to the dentistry treatment.

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