Effect of raloxifene on alveolar bone resorption after mucoperiosteal fl ap surgery in mice

Cristiane Alencar, Dalva Maria Pereira Padilha, Luis Carlos Fontoura Frasca, Daiane Cerutti-Kopplin, Sabrina Rebollo Zani, Elken Gomes Rivaldo


Background: Mucoperiosteal fl ap surgeries (MFS) are carried out to provide access to the alveolar bone and root surfaces in several clinical situations. Nevertheless, they lead to a variable degree of alveolar bone resorption. Raloxifene is an agonist in bone, and acts inhibiting bone loss. Objective: To evaluate the effect of raloxifene in preventing alveolar bone resorption after MFS using an experimental model of mouse mandibles. Methods: MFS was performed on the buccal aspect of the left side of the mandible (BL) in 20 male CF1 Musdomesticus mice divided into two groups with the same number of animals: the experimental group was treated once daily with raloxifene injections (3 mg/kg), and the placebo group was treated with daily injections of the vehicle. The buccal aspects of right hemimandibles were used as controls (BR). Mandibles were removed, defl eshed and stained with toluidine blue in a stereomicroscope. Digital images were obtained and the alveolar bone loss was measured (mmÇ) using an image analysis software. Results: The BL area exhibited signifi cantly more bone loss (Student t test; p < 0.01) when compared to the BR area, in both groups. No statistically signifi cant difference was observed between the experimental and the placebo groups. Conclusion: In this study, raloxifene did not inhibit alveolar bone resorption following MFS in male mice.

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