Molar incisor hypomineralization: three case reports and discussion of etiology, diagnosis, and management strategies

Renata Schlesner Oliveira, Deisi Fátima Damin, Luciano Casagrande, Jonas Almeida Rodrigues


The aim of this article including three case reports is to briefly discuss the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with molar incisor hypomineralization. In all three cases presented, the etiology was related to systemic factors that occurred in the first year of life, especially respiratory deficiency and episodes of high fever. Diagnosis was based on clinical examination of specific characteristics such as changes in color and opacity and loss of tooth structure. Treatment decisions were made according to severity of hypomineralization in each patient, ranging from expectant management/follow-up to esthetic restoration of permanent incisors. Our reports suggest that molar incisor hypomineralization occur predominantly in children with a history of respiratory deficiency and episodes of high fever in the first year of life. Early diagnosis is usually determined by visual examination and treatment decision is dependent on condition severity.

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