The Continuing Distance Education Program M@tmídias: Contributions to the teaching of trigonometry

Fábio Henrique Patriarca, Nielce Meneguelo Lobo da Costa, Samira Fayez Kfouri da Silva


This article presents a clipping of research on a Continuing Distance Learning Program for 600 High School Math Teachers working in public schools of São Paulo state, Brazil. The formative Program entitled M@tmídias aimed to discuss the use of Learning Objects in the Mathematics teaching process. The research objective was to identify contributions of the use of technology for teaching Trigonometry. The theoretical base was developed by Imbernón’s ideas on continuing teachers’ education, as well as the ones of Mishra and Koehler regarding pedagogical technological content knowledge (TPACK). The research was documentary, and the methodological procedures were: 1) Collection of curricula documents and historical data of the investigated Program; 2) Selection and organisation of materials related to the Trigonometry content, stored in the Program VLE; 3) Treatment and data analysis. The analysis was interpretative and of content, according to Bardin. As a result, in the M@tmídias Program’s historical documents, it was verified that all the Mathematics contents from the High School curriculum of São Paulo State were discussed and, in the first module of the course M@tmídias 2, Trigonometry was studied. Evidence of participants' construction was verified of mathematical content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and technological content knowledge, showing possibilities to the construction of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of the participants.


Continuing Teacher Education; Educational technology; Learning Objects; Trigonometry

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Direitos autorais 2019 Fábio Henrique Patriarca, Nielce Meneguelo Lobo da Costa, Samira Fayez Kfouri da Silva

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