Attitudes towards Probability and its Teaching in prospective mathematics teachers from Chile and Spain

Felipe Ruz, Elena Molina-Portillo, Claudia Vásquez, José M. Contreras


Promote a positive attitude among teachers is a shared challenge for the teaching of statistics and probability today. In this context, we present the analysis of attitudes towards probability and its teaching in a sample of 126 prospective mathematics teachers from Chile and Spain. Following a quantitative methodology, results are organized in two parts, the first focused on the psychometric characteristics of the Scale and the second on specific attitudes of analysed sample. It is concluded that participants declare a positive attitude towards probability content and its teaching. Thus, Attitudes’ Scale towards Probability and its Teaching is reinforced as an instrument with good characteristics to explore attitudinal aspects in these professionals.


Attitudes; Teaching; Probability; Teachers’ training.

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Direitos autorais 2020 Felipe Ruz, Elena Molina-Portillo, Claudia Vásquez, José M. Contreras

Licença Creative Commons
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Conceito A2 na Capes(2021)

Índice h5 do Google Scholar: 13
Índice mediana h5 do Google Scholar:24

eISSN: 2178-7727


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