Electronic Game Creation through Scratch Software: Creative and Collaborative Learning Fostering STEAM Practices

Elenise da Silva Pereira, Letícia Azambuja Lopes


Background: This research is an excerpt from the master's thesis of the first author, therefore, some perceptions students have of the creation of games using the Scratch software and the teachers’ perception will be presented here. Objective: This research aims to foster and optimize learning in STEAM practices, using creative and collaborative learning, for the creation of games. Design: The research is exploratory qualitative. Setting and Participants: The team included 7 students from the final years of a public school in the municipality of Alvorada, RS, Brazil. The research was developed through workshops in the counter shift from the regular school classes. who developed games in the Scratch software and presented them to the school classes of the early years. Data collection and analysis: the data collection was based on the responses of students and teachers. Results: That students built collaborative learning, took advantage of playfulness and creative thinking to transform realities. Conclusions: The development of games provided, besides learning in STEAM practices from creative and collaborative learning, increased self-esteem, affectivity, and collaborative work, movements that are so necessary in communities with high socioeconomic vulnerability, as is the case of the students participating in the research.


Creative Learning; Collaborative Learning; STEAM; Scratch Software

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/acta.scientiae.5535


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Direitos autorais 2020 Elenise da Silva Pereira, Letícia Azambuja Lopes

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