Mathematical generalization from the articulation of advanced mathematical thinking and knot theory

Enrique Mateus-Nieves, Cristian Andrés Rojas-Jimenez


Background: The professors of Topology and modern algebra expressed interest in the need to create a space that allows deepening the process of Mathematical Generalization from the articulation of some concepts of Theory of Knots with the development of Advanced Mathematical Thinking (PMA) skills. Objective: To offer students an additional space for disciplinary training that allows them to deepen the process of Mathematical Generalization. Design: The methodology used has a qualitative approach, as a strategy we take action research from the Whitehead (1991) proposal from three phases. Setting and participants: students of the Bachelor of Mathematics program who take the third to sixth semester. Data collection and analysis: we emphasized in the second phase (intervention), since it allowed us to articulate the holistic scheme of knot theory with the PMA as shown in Tables 2, 3 and 4 (results section). Results: The result was the creation of a syllabus and subject guide for an elective seminar, which is offered to undergraduate students. Conclusion: since 2019 this elective seminar is offered to students, which awards 3 credits.


Articulation; Mathematical generalization, Knot theory; Advanced mathematical thinking



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Direitos autorais 2020 Enrique Mateus Nieves, Cristian Andrés Rojas Jimenez

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