Transitional-Apprehending Mental Model for Junior High School Students in Understanding the Concept of Integers

Sukiyanto Sukiyanto, Toto Nusantara, Sudirman Sudirman, I Made Sulandra


Background: A concept that exists in students' minds and is used to describe and explain a phenomenon is called a mental model. Objective: This study aims to describe the transition-apprehending mental model of students in understanding the concept of integers. Design: This study used a qualitative approach and the type of research conducted was descriptive. Setting and participants: The subjects of this study were 35 students in grade VII Junior High School. Subjects were given a test to determine their understanding of the concept of integers. Data collection and analysis: data collection in this study, using test questions and interviews. Data analysis used five steps, namely 1) data transcoding; 2) reviewing data; 3) data reduction; 4) presenting data; 5) analyze the process of forming mental models; and 6) verify the findings. Results: showed that grade VII students were at the transition-Apprehending level, as evidenced by students being able to compare negative integers and positive integers with the same magnitude symbol. Conclusion: based on the results of research that has been found, that students already understand positive integers and negative integers using a number line.


Mental models, Students, Concepts, Integers

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Direitos autorais 2023 Sukiyanto Sukiyanto, Toto Nusantara, Sudirman Sudirman, I Made Sulandra

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