Research in the Field of Creativity in Mathematics: Directions and Perspectives on the International Scene
Background: The field of studies on mathematical creativity is relatively new in Brazil. The first records of empirical research in this field are from the first decade of this century. As a way of contributing to the consolidation of this field, we present an overview of research on mathematical creativity in the international scenario, based on the productions published in the conference proceedings of the International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness. Objectives: The article seeks to answer the following questions: What elements have prevailed in the conceptualisation of mathematical creativity? What is the focus of research questions and/or research objectives? What methods/methodologies were used in the research? Design: Research mapping, with information extracted from a form structured by the researchers. Settings and participants: Were analysed the works published in the proceedings of the conferences promoted by The International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness, held in 2014, 2015, 2017, and 2019. Data collection and analysis: Thirty-five papers that met the following criteria: to be a research report, to be characterised as a complete work, and to have as an object of investigation the mathematical creativity at different levels of teaching and/or in teacher education were selected. Results: Different concepts for creativity in mathematics were identified, which vary according to the focus of the research, sometimes emphasising the creative person, and sometimes emphasising the creative process in mathematics. Most of the studies were developed with elementary and high school students. Different research methods/methodologies were also identified, with a predominance of qualitative approaches. Conclusions: The analysis carried out allows us to highlight the need for attention to new studies, especially in relation to correlational studies and longitudinal studies.
Mathematical creativity; Creative thinking in mathematics; Creative process in mathematics
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Direitos autorais 2023 Cleyton Hércules Gontijo, Mateus Gianni Fonseca, Alexandre Tolentino de Carvalho, Wescley Well Vicente Bezerra

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