Statistical Graphs in Natural and Social Sciences Textbooks in Chile
Background: Currently, statistical graphics are an interdisciplinary resource for the development of various activities, such as mathematics, natural sciences and history, geography, and social sciences, being essential for the teaching process. Objective: To analyse activities related to statistical graphs in natural sciences and history, geography, and social sciences textbooks in Chilean primary education. Design: Qualitative methodology, descriptive level, using the content analysis method. Setting and participants: The sample consisted of two textbook collections for both subjects (n=24), covering elementary school courses from grades 1 to 6. Data collection and analysis: Through content analysis, types of graphs, reading levels, levels of semiotic complexity, and types of tasks and activities with statistical graphs. Results: The results show a total of 105 activities. In natural sciences, reading level 4, semiotic level 3, and the explaining task predominated. In the case of history, geography and social sciences, level 1, semiotic level 2, and the example task predominate. Conclusions: More activities must be included in the HGSSci in the first years of schooling, as they only appear in the 5th and 6th grades, especially if analysis work is encouraged. NSci textbooks include some graphs to be addressed in mathematics in later subjects, so we suggested working the graphs systematically within the subjects.
Textbook, Statistical graphs; Natural sciences; Social sciences
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Direitos autorais 2023 Matías Bustamante-Valdés, José Pardo-Cañete, Danilo Díaz-Levicoy
Esta obra está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.
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