Science Teachers in Higher Education: continuing education in an interdisciplinary collaborative group
This article presents part of the dissertation that aimed to analyze strategies to converge Sciences Professors in the formation of an interdisciplinary collaborative group. The collaborative group comprised professors from the area of Biological Sciences of a higher institution of northern Brazil, focusing to interdisciplinary continuing education. All participants were volunteers. For this purpose, it was used as methodology the action-research in a simultaneous approach in the collaborative group action and the group research itself. The group realized the importance of seeking continuing education as a response to the demand that the region presents. In this sense, the collaborative group is an important tool for ongoing professor training. The organization of an interdisciplinary collaborative group was an important strategy for the continuing education of those in higher education as possible to deal with the reflection of teaching practice problems that were apparently individual, but peers often shared them.
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Direitos autorais 2016 Rosângela Kiekow da Rosa, Jutta Cornelia Reuwsaat Justo
Esta obra está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.
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