Physics Teaching for Children: A Bibliographic Review

Rosana Cavalcanti Maia Santos, Luiz Fernando Mackedanz


The perspectives investigated by Physics/Science Teaching researchers in the context of youth and adults are diverse. They research on innovations in the classroom, new technologies, experimental activities, evaluation, among others subjects. In the children context, Physics/Sciences teaching is poorly explored. This article discusses the results of a bibliographical research on this theme, whose main objective was to gather theoretical and methodological subsidies for the teaching practice in this context. The data sources used were articles, dissertations and theses available in the Capes/ MEC Journal Portal, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Bank of Theses and Dissertations and Theses and Dissertations Digital Library (BDTD), as well as papers published and presented at the National Symposium on Physics Teaching (SNEF) and Meeting on Physics Teaching Research (EPEF) among years 2000 and 2017. In this context, the sources were grouped and analyzed from the following categories: level of education, with the possibility of insertion of Physics/Science teaching from the age of 3, in the context of both formal and non-formal education, as long as the scientific activities are appropriate to the children's age group and whose main objective is to motivate their interest in scientific contents; content covered, with works on the various Physics themes, with predominance of Mechanics, Fluids and Astronomy; and methodology, didactic resources and theoretical foundation, where we highlight the occurrence of experimental and ludic activities based predominantly on Piaget, Vygotsky and Ausubel theories. Thus, from this article, the reader will contemplate a general overview about the possibilities and potentialities for the insertion of Physics/Science teaching in children's context, in order to make possible the interest for Science, as well as scientific literacy.


Educação Infantil; Estado da Arte; Alfabetização Científica

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Direitos autorais 2019 Rosana Cavalcanti Maia Santos, Luiz Fernando Mackedanz

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