What Geometry for teaching? Appropriations of Experts on pedagogical studies mission in Europe, late 19th century
Background: The training of teachers who teach mathematics is surrounded by knowledge that changes over time. These changes are for several moments mobilized by specialists, in this context, the official documents are possible historical sources for reading and analyzing changes. Objective: To analyze the systematizations of a “Geometry for teaching” put into circulation for the training of teachers, at the end of the 19th century, in Rio de Janeiro, at this time the Republic, by professors Amélia Fernandes da Costa, Luiz Augusto dos Reis and Manoel José Pereira Frazão, appointed by the republican power for the mission of pedagogical studies in Europe. Data collection and analysis: Data were collected from the travel records of commissioners, and also from publications in educational, analysed from the perspective of Cultural History. Design: Use for the study the official reports found by the documents and Revista Pedagogica, printed for teachers, these documents, acquired or accumulated by the specialists in question, were solved and problematized following the following investigation steps: recompilation of teaching experiences; comparative analysis of teachers' knowledge; analysis of systematization and use of knowledge as knowledge (Valente, 2018; 2020). Setting and Participants: It is a historiographical study in documents. Results: An analysis of the sources revealed that the performance of the documents, as well as their active participation in political issues and primary education, the recognition of peers, a call from the State for the pedagogical trip and the consequent responsibility to produce an official report, placed them in the category of Experts, thus allowing us to qualify them and put into circulation a proposal for a new “Geometry for teaching”, characteristic of intuitive times, and against the previous proposal. Conclusions: The “Geometry for teaching” put into circulation, should be mobilized by teachers in close relationship with Design and Handicrafts and was not structured as a subject in primary school.
Geometry; Knowledge for use; Experts; Pedagogical Mission; International Circulation
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/acta.scientiae.6412
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Direitos autorais 2022 Gabriel Luís da Conceição

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